Good News For West Alabama Families In Need This Christmas
It's Christmas in Alabama once again.
For the last couple of years it has been very strange from January through November. The pandemic has caused major changes in our somewhat normal lives.
We all know people and/or families that could use a little help this Christmas season.
Some are not able to work or have experienced devastating loss this year. Nothing is more stressful than knowing that you just can not afford to have Christmas for their children this year.
Here's some good news for families in West Alabama that need help.
A popular top-rated radio show, Steve & DC on 95.3 The Bear, are looking for Tuscaloosa and West Alabama families with the biggest needs.
This month, a number of families will be randomly selected to receive a "Breaking & Entering Xmas" this year.
That might sound strange, but this time, breaking and entering refers to surprising random families with Christmas gifts and other prizes.
Both private and public benefactors will be involved with supplying the needs for selected families.
So many things in life become a much bigger deal at Christmas.
Facing choices like, power bill or Christmas present for a little boy or girl.
Many folks will not reach out to programs funded by the state due to pride or even shame.
There's really nothing to be ashamed of.
We all experience down times and cycles in our lives. Some families may only talk to a neighbor or close friend about the needs they are dealing with at Christmas time.
If you know a family that could use a helping hand this Christmas in West Alabama, you can tell us about the family several ways.
- Leave a comment below with an email address or a way to contact you.
- Download the app below and send us a private message about the family in need.
- Call us between 5am and 10am weekday mornings with information about the family in need.

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