ALERT: Watch Out For Deadly Criminal Hoax In Alabama
"I didn't want to get shot. I was just trying to survive the gun being held to my neck".
Those words from a Tuscaloosa, Alabama man, as he told me his story, replay over and over in my head.
Bo White is just like me. Bo White is just like most of you.

He probably wasn't expecting the sleazy, felons, crooks, thugs, and loser, lowlife dirtbags to be waiting for him and watching him from down the street.
He is a guy working at the Mercedes plant in Vance, like so many do, here in West Alabama.
He's married with a family and he has a cool car that he really loves.
This morning, after his shift at work, he stopped for gas and a soda.
It was at a gas station in Brookwood, Alabama. After he got back out on the road, he sees a car coming up from behind that looks like it will hit his beloved Camaro.
That vehicle did hit him as he sat at a red light after leaving the gas station.
Like many of us, he pulled over after being hit and got out to check on the people in the vehicle that just nailed him from behind.
He asked the driver if he was OK. A passenger got out and that's when everything changed in a hurry.
Bo White, easily, could have been killed and left in the damn road.
Bo was a victim of the "BUMP" carjacking scam.
It's happening in Atlanta, Joplin, Missouri, Washington, DC and on and on and on.
I found government websites all over the country warning residents about this deadly fraud.
11 Alive news in Atlanta did this piece to warn folks.
*Video: 11 Alive/YouTube
Just listen to Bo White tell his story, from the Steve & DC Show on WFFN-FM (95.3 The Bear), in his words. It is chilling. Listen to it below.
The Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Department has issued warnings about the deadly scam.
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