The Absolute Worst Story You Have Ever Heard
I've been doing this for many, many years.

THIS is the worst story I have ever reported to the public.
Two parents have been indicted on charges of second-degree murder of their daughter.
That, in itself, is bad enough. However, Clay and Sheila Fletcher have been booked into a Louisiana jail after their daughter was found dead after sitting on a sofa for OVER 12 years.
The coroner said the 12 years is a minimum. It could have been more than 12 years.
According to WBRC-TV, jurors on the Grand Jury were in total shock and sat in stunned silence when shown the photos.
In the story above you can see a couple of these pictures and they are shocking.
How could two parents BOTH be this cruel and awful? Just explain it to me.
Their daughter, Lacey, was diagnosed with severe autism.
Lacey's cause of death was attributed to chronic malnutrition, acute starvation and sepsis, among other things.
The body, according to the coroner, "liquefied and melted" into the sofa.
That sentence is beyond belief. How can you allow someone to melt into your furniture?
These cruel, awful parents just went about their daily business while they ignored their daughter on the sofa.
That is the only word for it. I can't think of a punishment strong enough for these two hideous excuses for human beings.
Animals wouldn't be treated like this and if they were, you would see an extreme amount of outrage.
I hope the same outrage is experienced in this case.
It is the worst story I have ever heard.
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