Captain RAY is the WAY!
Tuscaloosa has a new choice for radio traffic these days. His name is Captain Ray, and he's heard daily on 95.3 The Bear! Captain Ray cares about Ttown, LIVES in Ttown, ROLLS with the TIDE and is Tuscaloosa's most trusted traffic Captain.
Captain Ray is LOVED by many because of his deep voice and incredible knowledge of Tuscaloosa roads. Captain Ray is Tuscaloosa's ONLY LOCAL TRAFFIC REPORT. PERIOD. (notice i typed the word "period" then place a period at the end as well)
The fact is, when Tuscaloosa traffic gets crazy, Captain Ray is the new Tuscaloosa way! He's not just gonna say "it's a good ride on McFarland" when there actually 2 wrecks near the mall. (That actually happened last week, it's sad but true)
For years, Captain Carl has fooled Tuscaloosa with his remote updates prerecorded from Atlanta or Cinncinatti. The fact is, YOU have a choice between a man that LIVES here or a man thats never been to Tuscaloosa. Really??? When ya think about it for a second, it's not even a choice. BUY LOCAL, LISTEN LOCAL to Tuscaloosa Alabama's Captain Ray!
Here's more....
Captain Ray vs Captain Carl
Whats your favorite football team?
Captain Ray- "Well, Alabama Crimson Tide of course, I love it all football, basketball, baseball, softball and Bama gymnastics too!"
Captain Carl- "I like Xavier Basketball i guess, I really enjoy a good game of ping pong.
Captain Ray- "I LOVE Miranda, Brad Paisley, and both old and new country!"
Captain Carl- "Since I do fake traffic updates in 38 cities, ah I don't have time to listen to any kind of music. That said, Bette Mildler used to be my jam!"
Tuscaloosa now has a choice...CAPTAIN RAY IS THE WAY!!!
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