Warning: Examine Your Christmas Tree Tuscaloosa, AL

Even as an adult, what's wrapped and beneath the Christmas tree makes my heart beat fast. Have you ever stopped to wonder what might be lurking in the branches up above? You will now!
The Wild family noticed their pet cats staring at the Christmas tree. The cats appeared mesmerized by the family tree, according to Rob Wild. The Wild family had decorated their tree just hours earlier, when they noticed their cats peering into the tree.
Marcella Wild thought there could possibly be a mouse in the tree somewhere. Cats do like mice. The Wild family quickly discovered what was staring back at them was not a mouse. It was a venomous snake!
A boomslaying snake! The boomslaying snake is a shy species, but one of the most venomous. Venom causes internal bleeding and can be fatal to humans in small amounts.
The wild family immediately called a professional snake catcher. Yes, that is a profession. He soon arrived and removed the five foot long female snake from inside the family Christmas tree. He did warn before arriving that the family should keep their eyes on the snake. No problem!
Two hours later, the snake catcher arrived and placed the venomous snake in a snake tube. It was an exciting night for the Wild family, including their young children and pet cats.
The snake incident occurred in South Africa. As a safety precaution, even in Tuscaloosa, examine your live Christmas tree right now. You never know what might be lurking inside.
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