Walt Maddox vs Kay Ivey Heats Up
The Walt Maddox campaign has released 45 pages of emails allegedly sent using a private email server between then Lt. Governor Kay Ivey and staff members. Here's more from the Maddox campaign...
"The discovery that Kay Ivey’s staff used private email servers during a period of time when there are so many questions about what actually occurred in Colorado in 2015, is disturbing. These private email servers are not available to be searched when a public records request is made, and that should be very troubling to the every Alabamian who wants open, honest government. This continues an unacceptable pattern of secrecy and non disclosure by Kay Ivey. Accordingly, In addition to the questions I requested Governor Ivey answer regarding allegations of misuse of law enforcement and potential cover-up, she should immediately, in the interest of full disclosure, take immediate steps to release all email records."
The Ivey Campaign has not commented publicly on the emails, which raise questions about the use of private email servers by public officials conducting government business.
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