Should Alabama Governor Robert Bentley Resign?
The state's most powerful senator says Gov Robert Bentley should resign because he says Bentley is no longer effective. "There is a void of communication between this body, the legislative branch, and the executive branch."
According to WBRC News Senate Pro Tem Del Marsh, said the legislative session is "in jeopardy," and pointed to the governor's inability to lead as the reason. "The governor is not being effective," he said on a range of issues from education, to prisons, to infrastructure. The legislature has yet to pass either a General Fund budget or Education budget, the only constitutionally required acts required of the session.
Bentley is also facing a possible impeachment by the House Judicial Committee in a reports due out on Friday. Bentley has admitted to having an inappropriate relationship with Rebekah Mason but denies he ever had an affair. Mason is a former campaign official and top aide to Bentley.
Gov. Robert Bentley says "I have no intentions of resigning and I am looking forward to continuing to work on important issues facing the state of Alabama."
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