Satanic Monument In Popular Alabama Neighborhood?
Is the end really coming soon?

Some would argue that when a satanic monument comes to the streets of Alabama, it may not be far off.
However, it really may not be tied to the occult, in any way.
A few years ago, an outspoken activist and founder of the Satanic Temple, began a movement to place monuments to Satan in American cities.
That activist, and Satanist Lucien Greaves, has been the driving force behind bringing his brand of Satanism to the Bible Belt.
In 2015, he started a campaign to bring a Satanic monument to Tennessee. They have filed lawsuits in multiple states to go after any abortion bans.
In 2016, the Temple sought to bring "after school Satan clubs" to elementary schools throughout the United States.
After erecting a Satanic monument in Little Rock, Arkansas, Greaves was challenged to bring a monument to Alabama.
Why Alabama? Well, because of it's location in the Bible Belt.
Fast forward to today, and unconfirmed reports have him finally following through on his promise to come to our fair state.
In fact, a monument in Birmingham, Alabama, has many folks buzzing about it being from The Satanic Temple. Yet, there's no proof of this and Greaves group usually makes a show out of any public displays they are linked with in any fashion.
The exact date of when the monument arrived is in dispute, according to my research on the issue. Maybe the time of year made folks more sensitive to religious matters.
Who really knows?
Some say the monument is anything but new, yet that still doesn't answer the questions about the ties to the occult.
A Facebook post on Easter Sunday had many people upset about the Five Points monument.
*From NFA King/Facebook
Of course, the pentagram symbol which has been tied to Satanism for eons, has five points.
Residents in the Five Points neighborhood are not pleased with the monuments recent attention, which appears to be a half goat/half man. In addition, some claim that displays have been added in recent years that make it appear that it's tied to the occult.
According to Wikipedia, in 2018, a naked man was seen in the fountain, chanting strange words early in the morning.
Another resident that did not wish to be identified, told me that the monument has drawn occult groups to the display multiple times. In addition, the resident told me that the goat-like features were not part of the original display.
Why was that added or changed? Was it definitely changed? I couldn't get a direct answer but I have confirmed that changes have been made at times for unknown reasons.
I guess this is open to your perception based on what you believe.
That goat symbolism is directly tied to the occult. However, as of now, we have no confirmation that the Satanic Temple members are behind the display in Five Points.
Here's a look at the Arkansas statue the temple erected last year.
The statue in Birmingham, Alabama bears a strong resemblance according to many residents.
We will continue to update the five points controversy when information becomes available.
One thing is certain. The display has been the subject of much rumor, talk and hysteria in recent months and weeks.
The reason behind that, well, is anyone's guess.
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