Thanks to the amazing work of Diana Cassetta-Perez, our Cronut Correspondent, our Cronuts arrived today. Despite being a day later than Priority shipping indicated they would arrive, the croissant-doughnut hybrids were everything I wanted them to be and more.

They were a little banged up from their journey but I cared not. They were flaky, fried and fantastic. Diana had even included several 'DK's that originally put this bakery on the map. Those are not only delicious but gone as well.


My co-workers apparently feigned their indifference to mine and Scott Shepherd's desire to acquire the cronut because each asked to sample one after the box was opened. As the last remnants of crumbs fell from my finger tips, I told them there were only two, thus the answer was 'no'.

I did let my BFF, Tammy try them. Her reaction is below and well worth the time.

Genetically engineered in Heaven, perhaps.

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