Meet Nick Saban on the golf course.
Want to spend the day on a great golf course, mingle with Crimson Tide celebrities, and support the RISE Center? Then put your foursome together and register for the 2018 RISE Tournament of Champions which will be held Thursday and Friday, April 26th and 27th at NorthRiver Yacht Club.
Proceeds from the annual RISE Tournament of Champions help Tuscaloosa provide much needed early intervention services to children with special needs in our area. The inclusive model for education implemented at RISE, is considered exemplary and has been duplicated several times both nationally and internationally.
Coach Nick Saban will put in an appearance at the RISE Tournament of Champions and speak to golfers. Coach Avery Johnson and other past and present Alabama celebrities will also be there to mingle with players.
For registration details, visit or call 205-348-7931.