It’s Time To Clean Up Alabama
We've all seen the trash along the side of our roads. I see it every day on the way to and from the radio station and always wonder who thought it was ok to throw their fast food wrappers and other trash out the window? Is it really a major problem to leave it in the car until you get home and throw it in your trash can? If you think it's ok to throw trash along the side of the road, how clean could the inside of your car be anyway?
ALDOT is about to launch a campaign to try to get folks dumping their trash along our roads. Last year we spent almost $200,000 cleaning up litter in Tuscaloosa County, almost $7 million across the state. The new campaign will remind us about about the cost we pay to clean up our roads because of littering, as well as Alabama’s anti-littering law and fines.
In the meantime, let's clean up our roads, stop dumping trash out the window and save that money for something more important
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