How To Answer 4 Common Trick Questions from Alabama Cops

Knowledge is power folks!
I know if you're like me, there is nothing worse than to look in your rearview mirror and see those blue lights.
A lot of people get in trouble by saying too much.
People should know their rights! Even in a situation as simple as getting pulled over for speeding.
Jesse Hernandez, who is a lawyer, likes to use his TikTok to for free legal advice to his followers, especially regarding the proper ways to deal with law enforcement.
Hernandez recently shared a video that reveals four "trick questions" that police officers will regularly use when they pull you over, to get you on record breaking the law.
He also shared the best way to answer them to keep you out of trouble.
You might be surprised to learn that all four questions all seem pretty standard. Like if your kids were playing pretend police officers, they'd probably use them. Here they are:
- Do you know how fast you were going?
- Can we search your car?
- Where are you coming from?
- Do you know why I pulled you over?
We all have been asked these questions. How did you answer?
In his video, Hernandez explains how the way that you answer these questions can change how the interaction will go and could affect whether or not you could get into trouble.
- Do you know how fast you were going? "I was going the speed limit."
- Can we search your car? "No."
- Where are you coming from? "Officer, I'm just trying to get home."
- Do you know why I pulled you over? "I do not."
There are 14 Things Police Do Not Want You to Know
Gallery Credit: unsplash.com, Getty Images,

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