It's amazing the things we find that take our mind off everyday life and make us laugh. I found a gem this morning for every Bama fan!

I got to work and did what every good employee does when they boot up their computer, I checked Facebook! When I scrolled through my new feed I found a friend posted a video of Hank's House of Houndstooth.

Being the good Bama fan I am, had to watch and now that speeding ticket I got on the way to work doesn't seem so bad. I laughed, watched it again, laughed some more, told my office mates, watched it again and laughed even more!

Maybe you got a ticket this morning, or the boss is on your case, or you just woke up on 'wrong side of the bed', whatever. This video is sure to make you laugh. Unless you're an Auburn fan. Then maybe not.

Thanks to comedian and Birmingham native Heath Hyche for busting my gut!

Roll Tide!

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