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Tuscaloosa, AL – Through a partnership with the Alabama Forestry Commission, The Westervelt Company, and Alabama Power the City of Tuscaloosa will give out over 2,000 bare root tree and containerized seedlings in honor of Arbor Week.

The tree seedling giveaway will be held at the Tuscaloosa River Market on Saturday, February 15 from 7 a.m. until supplies run out.Seedlings of several different tree species will be given away on a first come, first served basis.

Due to expected high demand, attendees are encouraged to arrive early. The event will also include the opportunity to learn tree planting tips and proper tree placement.

Seedling types will include: loblolly pine, southern crab apple, eastern redbud, white dogwood, persimmon, red maple, pecan and more.

For more information, please call Tuscaloosa 311.

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From Diff'rent Strokes to Gilligan's Island, several of the most iconic TV shows in history now have only one surviving main cast member. Keep scrolling to see who remains from these beloved programs.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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