UFO Spotted In West Alabama

Michael Wyers of Brookwood, Alabama said in a social media post that he’s had enough. He’s tired of the objects in the night sky hovering over his property.
The mystery object hovers over other people’s property too. Michael is certain he’s not the only Brookwood resident seeing the flying objects.
Michael says it appears the drone is checking out private property or something. In Brookwood Alabama. Michael Wyers is requesting that if you know anything about this drone and its mission, or if you have the resources to look into this, please take action.
There are reports that other people have seen the drone flying over the Brookwood area. Who does the drone belong to? Why is it hovering over people's property in Brookwood? Have you seen it?
Please share any photos or information you have about the mystery drone seen in Brookwood. Drones are equipped with cameras and have the ability to zoom in for photographs. Even the ability to look in windows. This is an absolute invasion of property.
I'm actually surprised we haven't heard reports of shots fired yet. I know if I had something flying around my house and in range of my shotgun, I'm bringing it down. If it is a drone, the talent these drone pilots have blows my mind, I cant even get a drone to do basic things, much less flying it around at night. Someone need to hire these people, and put their talent to good use.
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