Is Whataburger REALLY Coming To Tuscaloosa?
Madison and Shepherd have long been fans of the delicious, greasy fare offered at the sporadic Whataburgers sprinkled throughout Alabama. Last year was the first time I even tried my first Whataburger cheeseburger and I must say, my expectations were more than met.
Scott and I went so far as to investigate the cost required to start our own franchise and since we were about $1,000,000 shy, we did the next best thing and started a petition for someone else to fund a Tuscaloosa location. We secured over 1500 signatures in just under 24-hours and submitted them to the corporate office in Texas but so far Whataburger's silence was deafening.
Whata up with that?
Then last night everything changed when my friend Shea sent me the following screen grab:
I immediately reached out to Stan Pate for confirmation but haven't been able to speak with him directly (BUT I WILL...), HOWEVER I spoke with a friend who works closely with city officials and he acknowledged similar discussions about bringing a Whataburger to Tuscaloosa had taken place.
Since Christmas is all about hope and it's Christmas time, I'm rolling with it...TUSCALOOSA IS GETTING A WHATABURGER.
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