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An Alabama Waste landfill is one of the largest facilities in the country!

Hazardous waste landfills are specially designed facilities for the disposal of hazardous materials that are harmful to human health and the environment.

Glasgow's Flytipping Dump Under Motorway
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These landfills adhere to strict regulations and guidelines to ensure the safe containment and management of hazardous waste.

These are the three largest in Alabama

Oak Grove Resident Community Page Facebook
Oak Grove Resident Community Page Facebook

Chemical Waste Management - Oak Grove: This facility, located in Oak Grove, Alabama, is operated by Chemical Waste Management, a subsidiary of Waste Management, Inc. It is a hazardous waste landfill that accepts various types of hazardous waste for disposal.

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

Perdido Groundwater Contamination Site: This site, located in Baldwin County, Alabama, was designated as a Superfund site by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It has experienced contamination from hazardous waste and is subject to ongoing cleanup efforts.

Last but not least, is one of the largest facilities in the nation.

Emelle Alabama Via google maps
Emelle Alabama Via google maps

Emelle Facility: Located in Emelle, Alabama, the Emelle Facility is one of the largest hazardous waste disposal sites in the United States. It is owned and operated by Waste Management, Inc. and serves as a landfill for hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

It's important to note that hazardous waste landfill information can change over time as new facilities are established or existing ones are modified.

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Gallery Credit: Madison Troyer

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