Where to Pick Up Uber and Lyft During Alabama Football Games
Alabama fans looking to catch a ride on gamedays might find it difficult fighting the throngs of fans heading in and out of the stadium, but UA Gameday has established a pickup and dropoff point for Uber and Lyft on Saturdays.
The location is just north of the stadium and a block away from University Boulevard near Presidential Park, which is a popular tailgating location. Here's the exact description from UA Gameday.
A designated ride sharing pick up and drop off location has been established at Presidential Park along West 4th Street. Ride share users are asked to use this area for all pick up and drop offs.
Ride sharing and personal vehicles, including golf carts & low speed vehicles, will NOT be allowed access beyond campus road blocks without proper credentials. This policy includes all ride sharing services (i.e. Uber, JoyRide, etc...)
Even though these roads have a barricade, police are supposed to let cars with proper decals through to pick up and drop off passengers. The best way in and out will be at Campus Drive and W 4th Street which is by Publix and the UPS Store.
This location is actually the closest fans can get to the stadium with a ride sharing service, which means it might take a little longer to get in and out so keep that in mind when scheduling your ride. You can also walk a few blocks away from the stadium to call your ride if you'd prefer that option.
To see a complete map of gameday road closures, click here.
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