United Way of West Alabama Pie Eating Contest Returns May 25th
The 4th annual United Way of West Alabama Young Leaders Society "Pizza" Pie Eating Contest is back again this year!
Heat Pizza Bar will again be supplying the pies as contestants chow down for one of United Way’s partner agencies. It all happens on Thursday, May 25th at Heat Pizza Bar in Government Plaza.
Here’s how it works… Each of the contestants will pick the partner agency of their choice. You buy tickets, then give your tickets to the contestant or charity of your choice to help them win! Once the pie-eating begins, contestants must keep their hands behind their back for the first 30 seconds of the contest, assuring a nice, messy Facebook profile pic! Once that time passes, they’re free to use their hands to continue eating and to drink water.
There are two ways a contestant can win, be the first to finish one pizza pie or be the person with the most tickets.
Here’s a list of this year’s participants so far:
- Ryan Stallings for Easter Seals West Alabama
- Emily Bryant for Hospice of West Alabama
- James Cochrane for West Alabama Red Cross
- Garrett Powe for Salvation Army
- Patricia Powe for Tuscaloosa's One Place
- Teddy Pace for WAAO
That list will continue to grow but they need you to sign up to represent all of their United Way partner agencies. If you'd like to compete this year, email Julie with your nonprofit choice.
Stick around for dinner after the contest with specials on food & drinks! It all happens at Heat Pizza located at 600 21st Ave. in Government Plaza.
Check out a few of the photos from last year's event by clicking here!
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