Tuscaloosa Police Looking For Help Identifying Logo On This Truck

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Does anyone recognize the logo on this truck? The driver backed into the building of A&B Electric on Joe Mallisham Parkway the night of April 7.
Tuscaloosa Police Department truck 1 facebook
The truck caused damage to the brick and concrete framing of the building before driving away.
Tuscaloosa Police Department truck 1 facebook
Scott Evans says
"Looks like it could be a rental truck. The door has the name of the rental comp. Then looks like all the DOT stuff taped on the front half of the door."
Some believe it's not their place to "snitch"
Kenny Beck says
"Yeah bc I'm in the business of snitching to the pigs. Good God Porky's it's just a honest mistake. I'm sure the building has insurance. I'm more worried about you police speeding through traffic so you can give some one a speeding ticket....the irony!.... Overpaid hall monitors"
Just wait until you're the one that has your property destroyed or stolen Kenny!
Video camera lens
One thing is true, they can use better cameras.
Aidan Dollins says
"Someone needs new cameras. No reason you can’t read that DOT number in 2023"
Matthew Âû Pledger says
"People treat cameras like they treat IT. Invest as little as possible, then regret you invested little when disaster happens."
If you do have any information please call Tuscaloosa police at 205-349-2121 or CrimeStoppers at 205-752-STOP(7867) if you can help.
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