Tuscaloosa Farmer’s Market In-Person Shopping Returns Saturday
In-person shopping at the farmers market at Tuscaloosa River Market on Warner Parkway returns Saturday from 7 am until noon with mandatory healthcare restrictions. The open-air market closed for two weeks in early March after Gov. Kay Ivey and Mayor Walt Maddox issued "Stay-at-Home" health orders due to the coronavirus.
The market then reopened March 28 for curbside pick-up only. The farmers market was allowed to operate because it is considered an “essential business” by the State of Alabama.
According to a press release from the City of Tuscaloosa, the farmers market will operate at 50% capacity and implement other safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:
- Social distancing of six feet between persons will be maintained;
- No congregating between booths or in walkways will be allowed;
- No hand-to-hand contact will take place between vendors and shoppers; and
- No dogs will be allowed at the market during this time.
Additionally, the City encourages anyone who is feeling unwell or who may be at higher risk of infection to stay home.
Customers are also being asked to be patient and follow the new market rules, not greet anyone with a hand shake or hug, avoid touching your face, not hand vendors payments directly. Place cash and credit cards on the table for vendors to pick up.
Use Apple Pay or Venmo when available. If you are able, market management encourages setting up Apple Pay or Venmo on your smartphone before arrival and use this as a payment method. Shoppers are asked to sanitize smart phones before arrival and after departure from the market.
Any shopper who is at a higher risk, including individuals who are over 65 and/or with underlying health conditions, are asked to stay home
The curbside pick-up option that began in lieu of the in-person market will continue to operate at this time as well. Customers preferring curbside pick-up should place their order in advance directly with vendors online at Tuscaloosarivermarket.com/curb-side-market.
The in-person Farmers Market accepts EBT, SNAP, WIC, and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). Some curbside market vendors accept these payment methods as well. Customers are asked to communicate directly with the vendor about their preferred payment method for curbside pick-up.
For more info about the curbside market, call or text 205-614-2069.

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