Trick To Know If Food Is Still Good In Freezer After Power Outage
Storms in Alabama have become a staple for us in the past few weeks. Some of us have lost power and thankfully some of us have not.

We all know some hacks we use before storms hit us. Make sure you keep devices charged, fresh batteries for flashlights, candles for lights, and in case of dangerous conditions an evacuation plan.
When we lose power our first thought is about all the food in our refrigerator. Okay, maybe the first thought is to check the battery level of our phones and then the food. Everyone has had the panic moment when the power goes out.
Is there a trick to know if our frozen food is still good to eat, the answer is yes! We have all heard the saying when in doubt throw it out...Yet, I have seen some freezers that are packed with more food than supermarket meat departments.
Is there a hack that lets us know if it’s safe to eat after a loss of power? Not everyone has a generator that keeps the lights on. So when I saw this hack I thought to myself why haven’t I thought of this idea? Why hasn’t anyone shared this idea with me?
This could have saved me so much money in the past…What’s this easy hack…Place a cup of water in your freezer. Once the cup of water has frozen, put a coin on top of the frozen water. Do you have to wait till there’s a storm threat to do this, absolutely not.
Leave it there year-round. If there comes a time that you lose power, when it returns, check where the coin is. If the coin is on the bottom of the cup the food is not safe to eat. This means your frozen foods also thawed out and that’s not good.
So maybe this isn’t an exact science, but it is a good indicator of just how warm it got inside your freezer. Sometimes the old-timer hacks are better than the new-fangled ones…
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