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Arceneaux Pest Services recently issued a warning about the swarms of Formosan termites that are currently prevalent in many areas. These termites typically swarm around Mother's Day, and the swarmers, or alates, are attracted to light. They typically mate during their flight and then attempt to return to the soil to start a new colony.

Termitarium Found At Chongqing Education College
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A Formosan termite colony can contain hundreds of thousands of termites, and when they swarm, tens of thousands may take flight. Although they can fly up to 300 yards from their colony, they can only live for a few hours unless they find a mate and return to the soil.

termites David Norris
termites David Norris

As a homeowner, you may notice some of these swarmers in your home, particularly in areas such as poorly sealed windows, door areas, attic ridge and turbine vents, gable vents, and bathroom and kitchen vents that penetrate the roof. However, it is important to know that swarming Formosan termites cannot infest your home and will die within a few hours of being inside.

Dayle Willie said, "They r driving me nuts tonite. U know, they never came till about 13 years ago. Where did they come from!? And I guess it’s better than them fuzzy black caterpillars that were at my house a month ago! And they bite!lol"

termites Amy Hall Davison
termites Amy Hall Davison

If you find only a small number of swarmers without their wings still attached, there is likely no cause for alarm, as it indicates that you do not have an infestation inside your home. However, if you discover several hundred swarmers with their wings still attached, you should call a professional pest control service for an inspection.

termites jamie clemmons
termites jamie clemmons

It is common to see a few Formosan swarmers in homes and businesses, and homeowners should not be overly alarmed by their presence. By being aware of the signs of infestation and taking the necessary precautions, such as sealing cracks and gaps and ensuring proper ventilation, homeowners can protect their homes from damage caused by termites.

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