It’s Officially the Holidays–I Finally Put Up My Christmas Tree!
It only took two weeks, but I FINALLY decorated my Christmas tree, y'all. I always put our tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving, but I've been so busy I haven't had time to think. I thought I'd get that bad boy up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but again, being busy as all get out prevented me from getting the job done.
I basically forced myself to get it done yesterday. I have a cold and feel like lukewarm butt; however, I realized it's daggum DECEMBER and I need to get my act together. We put on some Christmas music and decorated the tree as a family.
It's such a lovely little tree. Looking at our ornaments and lights makes me so happy. I wish I had put this tree up sooner, but hey-- I'll just leave it up until after New Year's to make up for lost time.
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