FDA: If You Bought This At Walmart, Throw It Away Immediately

If you're like me and shopped at Walmart within the past couple of weeks, you may want to think twice before eating some of the food you purchased.
The US Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has just announced the recall of multiple foods sold at Walmart. The FDA says consuming these foods could put your well being in serious danger. Okay they now have my full attention.
The US Food and Drug Administration issued a recall notice for food products sold under WalMart exclusive labels. The recalled food products sold at Walmart include:
Great Value chocolate chip snack muffins. I bought them.
12 ounce packages of Great Value banana nut snack muffins.
The Food and Drug Administration recall also includes 14 ounce packages of triple chocolate muffins by Market Side. I bought them.
14 ounce packages of strawberry and cream muffins are also on the recall list. I resisted buying them.
This Food and Drug Administration food recall also includes products that were sold at other retailers as well as my neighborhood Wally World.
The other foods being recalled by the Food and Drug Administration include Uncle Wally's twin muffins. No! Not Uncle Wally's twin muffins too.
All of the UPC and numbers for the recalled food products can be found on the recall notice at the Food and Drug Administration website.
This Food and Drug Administration food recall is exclusive to the products mentioned, and only food products within the United States at Walmart stores.
The Food and Drug Administration recalled food products are being recalled because they may be contaminated with listeria. Listeria!
So what happens if you consume food contaminated with listeria? Among otherwise
healthy individuals, listeria typically causes flu like symptoms. Contaminated foods could cause stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea, severe headaches, and stiffness. I have been a little stiff lately.
The Food and Drug Administration warns that serious listeria infections can sometimes be fatal in young children, elderly individuals, and others. You now have my total and complete attention FDA.
Due to the serious nature of the contamination, the Food and Drug Administration advises consumers who have these products to immediately dispose of them and not eat them. I could not enjoy them now anyway.
For more information the FDA says recall specifics are available by calling #844-366-1246.
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