‘Do You Sell Ham Bones?’
This is a question comprised of words that, collectively, have never escaped my lips prior to yesterday. While spending a few minutes on Pinterest, I came across a recipe for Ham Bone Soup. The dish looked delicious, but even more scrumptious, only two ingredients were required.
The blogger suggested going to HoneyBaked Ham to purchase a ham bone and simmer for six hours in a crock pot alongside a packet of dry Northern Beans. I never knew purchasing beans from the grocery store could be so stressful. I asked four women for their advice.
When I walked into HoneyBaked Ham, I asked the helpful young woman behind the counter if they sold ham bones. She nodded. I told her I was relieved because I'd been a little concerned someone was playing a trick. A short time later, I walked out with my excessively large, frozen bone and within one half-hour, the meat was simmering alongside the beans.
That evening, my family and I gathered around the table and sampled our legume largess. After his first bite, my husband closed his eyes and continued to chew. 'This reminds me of Mrs. Mary. She used to help mama out during the week and she made stuff like this all the time,' he said, his words drifting off as he raised a sliver of onion to his lips.
My Ham Bone soup was a hit and not only did it fill my family's stomachs, the meal also prompted my husband to gather up and wash the dinner dishes.
I'm now on the lookout for crock pot recipes that feature the fewest amount of ingredients possible (just being honest), so if you have them, share!
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