It’s football season and what’s better than a cold one with some wings…nothing!

An ice-cold glass with a nice foamy head or popping open a can is something we Alabamians enjoy, along with the rest of the country.

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What if I were to say to you there is a beer shortage?

Would you panic and run out and buy a case or ten of your favorite brew?

Beer Breweries packaging Bottles with cap

So there’s this dormant volcano, yes you read that correctly, a dormant volcano, that is contaminating what we need to produce beer.

I know, you are still stuck on a volcano, but there really is one.

Tungurahua Volcano eruption at night, with snow, Ecuador

Where is this volcano you're asking yourself?

Well not too far away, Jackson Mississippi.

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

So what does this volcano have to do with my favorite beer or soda? I'm assuming that is the next question that is popping into your mind.

Well, allow me to answer since I did the research.

The Jackson Dome is what is left of this dormant volcano. Beneath the surface of this dome is a major natural collection site of CO2.

Photo Courtesy of Getty Images
Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

CO2 is crucial not only for the production of our beer but food processing and our favorite sodas.

This dormant volcano is contaminating the CO2 that is collected underground.

This is the largest natural CO2 collection site east of the Mississippi River and it is a major collection site.

Our CO2 supply was strained before this contamination, so now it’s going to affect our beverages.

So I don’t know about you, but I think I may have to get a case or two of my favorite beer and soda, better to be safe than thirsty. Wings and water just don’t mix well for me.

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