Video: Alabama Police Officer With The Heart Of Gold

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Police haven't had the best treatment by the media in recent years.
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From TV to print media to even radio, the police don't always seem to get a fair shake.
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It seems like all they ever do is highlight every little mistake. But we all know there are bad apples in every profession.
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Unfortunately they never try to highlight the positive. So we want to go ahead and highlight this awesome moment caught on tape.
Hunter and Ashley Smith shared pictures and video to make the point that not all police officers are bad. The bad cops just seem to get the most publicity.
Tuscaloosa Police Officer Vick displayed his "extreme baby calming skills", according to the TPD, at the scene of a car accident on McFarland Boulevard Monday afternoon. According to Hunter and Ashley Smith, Officer Vick took extra time to make sure a baby was completely okay and even offered impressive baby calming expertise.
We commend officer Vick for his compassion and kindness. We appreciate the example Officer Vick set for other Tuscaloosa law enforcement officers.
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