Alabama Dodge Hellcat Stolen Then Found In Pieces 36 Hours Later

Lynsey Corley and Trey Corley experienced something none of us ever want to go through.
They were the victims of a growing problem in Alabama. AUTO THEFT.
Lynsey Corley and Trey Corley are the owners of this beautiful Dodge Charger Hellcat.
Lynsey Corley Shared this on Facebook. "Our Hellcat was stolen June 1st at 1 am in Hoover, Alabama. After 36 hours it was dumped along with parts of a Black Hellcat in Forestdale, Alabama."
You can see pieces of the black Hellcat.
Look at the precision of the cuts.
These are true professionals.
Definitely the work of a car theft ring.
I was personally a victim of auto theft. My vehicle was stolen right in front of my house, in a good subdivision.
Even though the insurance covered the car, it doesn't make it any easier knowing that this can happen to me or you.
There is no worse feeling than coming outside, and not seeing your vehicle.
What makes it worse is the fact that most stolen vehicles are hardly ever recovered intact. Most are parted out or scrapped.
The police can't do much. How could they?
This Dodge Hellcat was Stolen, taken apart, and dumped all within 36 hours. Don't forget it wasn't just one Hellcat that was dumped into pieces, it was two. This is truly mind-blowing.
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