20th Annual BBQ & Blues Event Cancelled but You Can Still Help
Straight line winds tore through the 20th annual BBQ & Blues event one hour before the doors were set to open, forcing The DCH Foundation to cancel an event.
Because the need to help Lewis & Faye Manderson Cancer Center patients in needs is so great, The DCH Foundation launched an online eBay store on Monday with over 70 items listed, according to Casey Johnson, director of development of The DCH Foundation. With this online auction, The DCH Foundation hopes to provide the same amount of monetary support as if the event happened on Saturday night.
DCH's Help & Hope Patient Assistance Fund was formed twenty years ago in conjunction with BBQ & Blue Jeans, now known as BBQ & Blues. In memory of Harold McAbee, the Fund's purpose is to assist Manderson Cancer Center patients struggling financially during their treatment. It helps with utility bills, medications, transportation to and from treatment and more.
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