12 Kids Dead Due To Heatstroke Inside a Car This Year
Twelve children have already died this year from heatstroke inside a car. The latest, a 7-month-old boy was found dead inside a car after apparently being left by his father when he went to work at a northwest Houston, Texas business, according to police.
A child's body overheats three to five times faster than an adult body, and a car's temperature can reach 125 degrees in less than 10 minutes.
Eighty percent of temperature increase inside a vehicle can happen within the first 10 minutes.
More than 55 percent of parents who left their child inside a car unknowingly left them, according to Kids and Cars.
The organization advises parents to always look in the backseat of their vehicle before locking it. They should also put something in the backseat they'll need such as their cell phone, employee ID or briefcase.
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