There are a few things that I look forward to every year around the Christmas Season. Most have to do with food. Is this a sign I'm getting old?

Off the top of my head, These are a few of my favorite things:


  • Those dollar box of chocolate covered cherries from Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store

My Great grandmother used to send us a box of these in the mail every year when I was a kid

  • Homemade divinity candy with a pecan on top

Another grandmother made homemade candy EVERY Christmas

  • Putting change in the Salvation Army buckets

My 4yr old loves it and it feels good to give a little

  • Big metal canisters of multiple flavored popcorn

The gift that lasts for at least a week then you keep the can for target practicing

  • The smell of fireplace smoke in the morning

I grew up with a wood burning stove in our house so chimney smoke reminds me of my parents house

  • Cans of fake snow

Who doesn't love fake snow?

  • Rum

It's the Holiday's

  • Homemade Chex-Mix

There's something about roasted pecans that screams Christmas to me...

  • Christmas Cards

I like seeing my old pals kids getting bigger and their festive sweaters

  • Electric Blankets

Cranked up on HI

What are some of your favorite things at Christmas time? Leave your list in the comment section below...

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