Ever heard the expression "kill your enemies with kindness?" Take it a step further--a glorious, glimmering step further--and mail them glitter.  Yes; Ship Your Enemies Glitter is a) a real business and b) an actual website. I am not kidding. CLICK HERE. (The site does contain some NSFW language, so heads up.

Y'all--this is such an incredible idea. As a mom, I have cleaned up more than my fair share of post-crafting messes, and nothing, NOTHING, is more challenging to clean than glitter. It gets EVERYWHERE. Glitter is fun, but it's pretty much the worst, and now there is a use for glitter I can support 100%.

Picture the person you despise the most. Now picture that terrible person getting a letter in the mail. S/he is thrilled to receive something cool and hastily rips the open the envelope to reveal what appears to be a letter. Your hater unfolds this letter, and BOOM: glitter. Glitter on clothes. Glitter in hair. Glitter in the carpet. Picture your hater spending hours attempting to rid his/her home of the glitter plague.

Pretty picture, isn't it? Thank you, shipyourenemiesglitter.com.

On an unrelated note, does anyone have Gwenyth Paltrow's address?

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