Tell Us Why You Love 95.3 The Bear, Win Fabulous Prizes
Do you love listening to 95.3 The Bear? Good news! We want to reward you for it.
We're giving away movie passes, free car washes, gift cards to local restaurants, Krispy Kreme donuts and ton of other prizes to listeners who download our app and record a short message about why they love our station.
Here's how it works:
First you'll need to download the 95.3 The Bear app, which is available on iTunes and Google Play for all Apple and Android Devices.
Once you've got it, click the drop-down menu on the left and hit "Submit Photo/Video."
You'll be asked to tell us a little more about yourself, then click "Select and Submit Media Now."
After that, click "Record Short Audio Clip" and tell us in 15-30 seconds why you love 95.3 The Bear, then click Submit on the bottom right.
And that's it! We'll draw a ton of prize winners from the list of folks who take the time to let us know why they love 95.3 The Bear and give out station swag, movie passes, car washes, donuts and more.
What are you waiting for? Take a few minutes to let us know you love us and get in the running for these fabulous prizes!