Tuscaloosa Here’s Perfect Cocktail List for Your July 4th, CheersTuscaloosa Here’s Perfect Cocktail List for Your July 4th, CheersThe July 4th holiday is a time to celebrate our nation’s independence with family, food, fun, and course cocktails.MarkMark
Tuscaloosa: Are Your Fireworks Illegal?Tuscaloosa: Are Your Fireworks Illegal?Both city and state have serious laws on the proper use of fireworks. Read them all here and make sure you're covered. Noah HaynesNoah Haynes
Feeling Lucky In Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Celebrating St. Patrick’s DayFeeling Lucky In Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Celebrating St. Patrick’s DayCrimson has been replaced by the color green, just for today of course.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
It's Ok To Start Late On Your New Year's ResolutionsIt's Ok To Start Late On Your New Year's ResolutionsThe time is finally here. We are officially in the year 2021, but do you know the official date New Year's Resolutions are supposed to start?Dre DayDre Day