Ready for a little holiday shopping this weekend?
Forget about waiting until Black Friday, you can get started on your Christmas shopping this weekend in Tuscaloosa. There will be lots of deals waiting for you at 2 different holiday events.
The Turkey & Tinsel Holiday Bazaar is Saturday at the First United Methodist Church downtown, sponsored by the UMW. Local arts & crafts vendors, the UMW Arts & Crafts Circle, a Boston Butt sale, a children’s booth with face painting and craft making and Santa will be appearing from 10 am - noon. Find out more here
The 2017 Christmas Market is Friday & Saturday at the old Books A Million location on Skyland Blvd in Tuscaloosa. Admission is free, with vendors of all types and a portion of your purchases will fill shoeboxes to be shipped to less fortunate children around the world. A portion of the proceeds benefit Operation Christmas Child. More here
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