FOX Bosses Reveal Post-Disney Future, More ‘Gifted’ and ‘Prison Break’
There’s still a great deal to sort out as Disney swallows 21st Century Fox whole, but the TV networks themselves may only get a “New” tweak. Network bosses assure that the major FOX stations will continue “business as usual” after the deal closes, while also offering updates on The Gifted, Prison Break and more.
Naturally, the start of TCA 2018’s winter press tour led to major questions about FOX’s future after Disney acquires most of the media giant’s holdings (the “mouse in the room,” as they put it). The spun-off stations like FOX, FOX News and FOX Sports will somewhat re-brand under the title “New FOX,” while network boss Gary Newman remains confident the overall entity will continue to exist. Both he and FOX co-chair Dana Walden will stick with the company through at least the next twelve to eighteen months as the merger finalizes.
In keeping with the “business as usual” mantra, FOX made several programming announcements for the coming year, including a Season 2 renewal for X-Men drama The Gifted, confirmation of a new Prison Break iteration in development, and an April 10 premiere for the final season of New Girl. Newman added that FOX needs to carry on as if the deal weren’t happening, and as such will follow its usual pilot order schedule later this year. No FOX series are expected to move to Disney’s ABC channel, either.
It’s still early to figure out the exact logistics of FOX’s future, but might the TV landscape look different in a year’s time? Any Prison Break fans still keen on Season 6, given what happened to the 24 franchise?
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