Facebook Friends Turn Out in Droves to Support Bullied Teen
This is the exact opposite of bullying.
Roughly 100 people rushed to the aid of a bullied teenager in Salem, Oregon last week after word spread he was being picked on.
Halsey Parkerson was meeting his aunt for lunch last week when a bully taunted the boy by saying he has no friends. The aunt was horrified, especially when Halsey told her that was a common thing to happen, so she took action by inviting some friends from a car club on Facebook to join her the next day at the school in a show of support for Halsey.
The school was overrun with cars, thanks to all the people who turned out.
The message certainly came through loud and clear for Halsey:
It's just unbelievable. I now know whenever I get bullied I'll raise my head up and say, 'Sorry, I have too many friends to think I'm being bullied.'"
The bully also learned a lesson – he apologized to Halsey in front of a huge crowd.
The school had no idea the incident was going to take place, but let it unfold after figuring out what was happening.
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