You’re Probably Setting Your AC Cooler Than It Should Be
What temperature do you keep your thermostat at home? At our house we are usually at 69. The other night my wife said it was really warm in the house and when I checked it was 72.
It's another hot humid day in Alabama, with plenty still to come, so how do we save a little on power bills this summer? Alabama Power recommends using ceiling fans or portable fans in rooms that need cooling, and setting your ceiling fans to counterclockwise in warmer months. You can also open the vents in the attic or foundation during the summer months, close the blinds during the day and set your AC fan to Auto instead of On. They also recommend setting your thermostat at 78, and even 80 degrees if you have a ceiling fan. The power company where we used to live in North Carolina had a slogan in the summer that was "Feels great at 78". We always used to ask where? For who?
We want to save money on our power bills in the summer like anyone else, but we can't do 78 degrees. How about you? What temperature is your AC set at?
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