Viral video

VIDEO! Alabama Boys CATCH Huge Shark
VIDEO! Alabama Boys CATCH Huge Shark
VIDEO! Alabama Boys CATCH Huge Shark
This is happening more and more off the Alabama coast. I enjoy my time on the beach and I prefer it with nothing that can swallow me. It happened just a couple days ago and we have video to prove it.
VIDEO: See The First 8k Footage Of RMS Titanic On Ocean Floor
VIDEO: See The First 8k Footage Of RMS Titanic On Ocean Floor
VIDEO: See The First 8k Footage Of RMS Titanic On Ocean Floor
I thought it was a pretty good film, and I have been teased by friends and family for years due to my love of all things "Titanic". Even more incredible than the film, in my view, is the actual expeditions to go down to the Atlantic ocean floor and get this footage. Can you imagine being in a capsule, miles down in the Atlantic ocean?
VIRAL VIDEO: Comedian On Alabama's Love Of Dollar Stores
VIRAL VIDEO: Comedian On Alabama's Love Of Dollar Stores
VIRAL VIDEO: Comedian On Alabama's Love Of Dollar Stores
We love our dollar stores. The general kind, the family kind, the tree kind and the rest of them. If you haven't noticed, prices are high and we need some dollar retailers. FACTS! However, a comedian has gone extremely viral (that means it's more than just standard viral) with a video pointing out the state of Alabama's allegiance to dollar stores.