Rubber Duck Scam Targeting Unsuspecting Cruise Ship PassengersRubber Duck Scam Targeting Unsuspecting Cruise Ship PassengersCruise ship passengers who hide ducks on vacation are being targeted as part of a new scam. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Watch Out! These Area Codes Could Be Scam CallsWatch Out! These Area Codes Could Be Scam CallsIn a nutshell, if you don’t know the number then don’t pick up because you could be a victim. Dre DayDre Day
BBB Warns Of Classic Car Scam Targeting Alabamians BBB Warns Of Classic Car Scam Targeting Alabamians The BBB urges consumers to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of online dealerships before making any transactions.Dre DayDre Day
Romance Scams Rising at Alarming Rate; How Not To be a VictimRomance Scams Rising at Alarming Rate; How Not To be a VictimRomance scams cost Americans billions in 2022, and they're only getting worse.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Protect Your Identity Alabamians: Beware of Social Media Scams Protect Your Identity Alabamians: Beware of Social Media Scams Protect your identity Alabamians and stay vigilant against this social media scam. Mary KMary K
Five Area Codes to Be Aware of if You Live in AlabamaFive Area Codes to Be Aware of if You Live in AlabamaUnknown phone numbers aren't always a "scam," but there are some area codes you need to avoid.MarkMark