COVID-19 numbers arent exactly optimal in Alabama or nationwide. There has been lots of talk about a vaccine and the ADPH has announced its vaccine plans.
If you haven't gotten your flu shot yet, it's time to get one! The Alabama Department of Public Health reports widespread flu activity across the state.
If it seems like almost everyone you know is coming down with the flu, you're not alone: the CDC is reporting high levels of influenza-like illnesses in Alabama and across the south.
January 11th, 2013
Forecast: Showers. High of 72.
Local: DCH Health System bans tobacco on all properties.
State: James Spann continues to be the Mann.
National: Epidemic.
Sports: Alabama Gymnasts begin to defend National Championship Title...
The CDC is warning this year's flu season promises to be a particularly bad one. Already five states, including Alabama, have seen a high rate of flu cases. Officials also suggest getting vaccinated to prevent the spread.
While many medical professionals have assured me the flu shot will not make you sick, the sickest I've ever been was after receiving the flu shot so I stopped getting them...