Ryan Gosling Explains His Giggling Reaction to Oscars Best Picture Mix-Up
In the days after Faye Dunaway mistakenly announced La La Land as the 2017 Best Picture Oscar winner instead of rightful winner Moonlight, every single moment of the night's messy end was analyzed, from the way Warren Beatty (mis)handled the envelopes mix-up to the sea of shocked celebrities' faces in the crowd. La La Land star Ryan Gosling's giggly, standing-off-to-the-side reaction became one of several Ryan Gosling memes that spread that evening, and he's finally shared what he was thinking amid all the confusion.
In a sit-down chat with Adobe CMO Ann Lewnes at this year's Adobe Summit in Las Vegas, Gosling said on Wednesday (March 22) that he was just as confused as the rest of us — and a little worried at first.
"What really was happening as I was watching, it was surreal anyway, I was watching people start to have this panicked reaction in the crowd and guys were coming on with headsets and I felt like someone had been hurt," Gosling said of the moment when producers first rushed onstage to sort things out.
"I thought there was some kind of medical situation, and I had this worst-case scenario playing out in my head," he added. "And then I just heard Moonlight won, and I was so relieved that I started laughing. Because, I thought, 'thank god'."
Gosling said despite the awkward incident, he was happy for the real winners.
"Truthfully, I was also so thrilled that Moonlight won. I know the director [Barry Jenkins] … I’ve worked with them before," he said, in reference to the producers. "It’s such a groundbreaking film, made for a million dollars, and incredible achievement and I’m so happy for them that they were being recognized."
Watch Ryan Gosling deepen our everlasting crush on him at the Adobe Summit below.
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