We think Brody has Pink Eye! Apparently Pink Eye, or as the medical world calls it, Conjunctivitis, is very contagious. It can spread from child to child in school or at home. It is common though.

What Causes Pink Eye?

The according to allaboutvision.com primary types of conjunctivitis, based on cause, are:

  • Viral conjunctivitis. Caused by a virus, like the common cold. This type of pink eye is very contagious, but usually will clear up on its own within several days without medical treatment.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis. Caused by bacteria, this type of conjunctivitis can cause serious damage to the eye if left untreated.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Caused by eye irritants such as pollen, dust and animal dander among susceptible individuals. Allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal (pollen) or flare up year-round (dust; pet dander).

Allaboutvision.com also says It can be prevented though;

Here are a few simple precautions you can take to significantly reduce your risk of getting pink eye:

    1. Never share personal items such as washcloths, hand towels or tissues.
    2. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes.
    3. Never (EVER) share your color contact lenses or special effect contacts with friends.
Wash your hands often, to keep viral pink eye from spreading.
  1. Wash your hands frequently, especially when spending time at school or in other public places.
  2. Keep a hand disinfectant (e.g., Purell) handy and use

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