Lynda Carter Is Still The Only True “Wonder Woman”, Especially After Watching THIS
The new movie, "Wonder Woman" had an unbelievable debut weekend, earning an estimated $100.5 million in The United States. The film, starring Gal Gadot as "Wonder Woman", satisfied critics and and movie goers alike. However, to to me, Lynda Carter will always be the ONLY true "Wonder Woman". In fact, here's a video of ALL her TV Intro's during various seasons of the hit television series.....
Admittedly, I was a huge fan on the TV Series back in the day. And truth be told, I had a MAJOR crush on her! She was HOT! (and STILL is). I even dated a girl who was a dead ringer for Lynda. However, after repeated requests to dress up in a "Wonder Woman" costume, she hopped in her invisible jet and FLEW off!
Everyone around me is anxious to see the new movie, (if they haven't already). But I'm good with Lynda Carter as MY only and TRUE "Wonder Woman". Be that as it may, I found something on YouTube yesterday that CEMENTED my respect and total admiration for Ms. Carter.
You see, Lynda Carter starred in her own TV Special back in 1980. The special demonstrated that Lynda's talents FAR exceed her portrayal on "Wonder Woman" . Take a few minutes right now, and watch THIS! It will be the best thing you see on the internet all day. You can Thank Me the next time you see me.....ENJOY!
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