Students at a Montana High School have spoken and their collective voice have decided on the final list of names The Weather Channel plans on naming winter storms for the 2015-2016 season.

The twenty-six names were comprised using Latin, Greek and Twitter which should make meteorologists hoping for storm names that were easy to 'hashtag'.

Here's the complete list of the 2015-2016 Winter Storm Names and their meanings as explained on TWC's website:

Ajax – From Greek mythology: a hero in Homer’s epic, Iliad, about the Trojan War known for his strength and courage.

Bella – The feminine form of the Latin word for beautiful. Also, coincidentally, Latin for wars. So bella bella means beautiful wars.

Cara (CAH-ruh) – From Latin, meaning beloved.

Delphi (DEL-fahy) – An ancient Greek city best known as the home of the oracle and the sanctuary of Apollo in Greek mythology.

Echo – From Greek mythology: Echo was a nymph given a speech impediment so she could only repeat what she heard.

Ferus (FAIR-us) – From Latin meaning wild or untamed.

Goliath – From the Hebrew name Golyat. Best known as Goliath of Gath in the biblical story of David and Goliath.

Hera – From Greek mythology: The perpetually jealous sister and wife of Zeus and the goddess of women and marriage.

Ilias (IL-ee-as)– Derived from the Greek name, Elias, which derives from the Hebrew name, Elijjah.

Jonas – From the Latin spelling, Ionas, of the name Jonah.

Kayla (KAY-la rhymes with say-la) – Short form of Katherine. Associated with the Greek word, katharos, meaning pure.

Lexi (LEX–ee) – Short for Alexander or Alexandra. From the Greek name, Aléxandros, meaning defender/protector of men.

Mars – From ancient Roman mythology: the god of war.

Nacio (NAH-see-oh) – Short for Ignacio, derived from the Ancient Roman name, Ignatius, related to the Latin word, ignīre, meaning to set on fire.

Olympia:  An ancient Greek city. The site of the ancient athletic competitions which became known as the Olympic Games.

Petros (PEH-tros) – From Greek meaning stone. Evolved to be spelled Peter.

Quo – Latin word which generally translates in which or similar.

Regis (REE-jis) – The possessive form of the Latin word for king.

Selene (Seh-LEEN) – From Greek mythology. The goddess of the moon.

Troy – Best known as the site of the Trojan War described in the Homer’s ancient Greek epic, the Iliad.

Ursula (ERR-sel-uh) – Character name from William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, from Latin meaning little bear.

Vexo – From Latin meaning I annoy or harass.

Waylon (WAY-lun) – Derived from Wieland from German mythology: a craftsman in metal of the highest skill.

Xenos (ZEE-nos) – Greek word meaning stranger or alien.

Yolo (yo-lo) – An acronym for you only live once.  The modern version of the Latin phrase, carpe diem, which is usually translated seize the day.

Zandor (zan-door) – Derived from Alexander.  From the Greek name, Aléxandros, meaning defender/protector of men.


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