‘Fletch’ Is Getting a Modern-Day Update Starring Jon Hamm
Fletch lives again.
Deadline reports that the Fletch franchise is making a comeback, in a “modern day reboot” that will star Mad Men’s Jon Hamm as the title character. Fletch, who originated in a series of mystery novels by author Gregory Mcdonald, was played in two popular 1980s movies by Chevy Chase.
Here’s a description of this new Fletch, which will be directed by Superbad’s Greg Mottola:
The new film adaptation will specifically be based on the second book in the Mcdonald series, Confess, Fletch. In a mysterious chain of wild events, Fletch finds himself in the middle of multiple murders- one of which pins him as a prime suspect. While on a quest to prove his innocence, Fletch is tasked with finding his fiancée’s stolen art collection, the only inheritance she’s acquired after her father goes missing and is presumed dead. Zev Borow, consulting producer of the Lethal Weapon TV series, will be penning the feature adaptation.
Although the last Fletch film, Fletch Lives, came out 1989, there have been several attempts to revive the franchise before now. For many years, Kevin Smith wanted to make a third Fletch with Jason Lee in the lead, based on the Mcdonald novel Fletch Won.
Later, Jason Sudeikis was attached to a modern update of Fletch. That never happened either. Hamm seems like ideal casting for the role of Fletch, though, so hopefully this new iteration will be worth the long wait.
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