
What Happens After Easter
What Happens After Easter
What Happens After Easter
I got a break today from normal working hours. My hours today were split. I'm at home now with Brody while his mother is "getting a few things for Easter". There was no work or school for them today. I'll be back at work later this evening. I'm sitting on the back deck, watching Brody play.
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
If you've had your fill of Grumpy Cat videos, why not take it to the next level and watch a video of children watching Grumpy Cat videos? It's basically doubling up on cute. There's the bit of Tardar Sauce herself, which we know is adorable, then there are kids giggling, which is obviously not as adorable as a kitty, but maybe that's because there's a big block of ice where our heart is supposed t
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
Pottytraining can be frustrating, not to mention time consuming, cutting into precious minutes a toddler could be spending watching Dora the Explorer, but not anymore! Meet the iPotty, a training toilet with a built-in holder for an iPad so your toddler can use the restroom just like a grownup -- while playing Angry Birds and watching Netflix.
Ahhh Pumpernickel
Ahhh Pumpernickel
Ahhh Pumpernickel
Brody, my 3 year old, got in trouble at school yesterday. They have a color system to break down the severity of the trouble and send notes home. Brody got a RED note. Too much talking and getting up from his seat. Red is the worst, I think...
Kids and Tonka Trucks
Kids and Tonka Trucks
Kids and Tonka Trucks
The weather was beautiful this evening. I relaxed in the back yard with my 3 year old, Brody. I watched him from my Alabama folding chair play with his Tonka truck. He gathered some clover and piled up dirt to make a load.