
Alligator Tries To Go Shopping In Publix Store
Alligator Tries To Go Shopping In Publix Store
Alligator Tries To Go Shopping In Publix Store
They have great stores across Alabama and Florida, as well as other states. I guess even gators want a chance to browse in a local Publix store. In this case, however, police had to be called to remove the alligator from the Publix lot.
WARNING: West Alabama Citizens With Children And Pets
WARNING: West Alabama Citizens With Children And Pets
WARNING: West Alabama Citizens With Children And Pets
A disturbing story out of Brookwood, Alabama has left many local families shaken. According to the victims, two masked men came into the victims yard and attacked a young man taking their dog outside for a walk. The assailants were hiding out in the neighborhood off Crimson Ridge road in Brookwood.
Destructive Feral Hogs Annoying Families In West Alabama
Destructive Feral Hogs Annoying Families In West Alabama
Destructive Feral Hogs Annoying Families In West Alabama
This is a big problem. Some families in the Tuscaloosa region and surrounding areas are having to go to war day in and day out with these monsters. Feral essentially means in a wild state after escape from captivity. According to the USDA, Feral hogs can carry harmful organisms and pathogens.
WARNING: Alabama Dog Nearly Dies After Consuming Item From Trash
WARNING: Alabama Dog Nearly Dies After Consuming Item From Trash
WARNING: Alabama Dog Nearly Dies After Consuming Item From Trash
No offense to the cat-lovers, but we are especially fond of dogs. It is simply man's BEST friend. Your wife may abandon you. Your friends may abandon you. Even family can leave you high and dry. That little ball of fur (or big ball in some cases) will always be there for you.
Coyote Loose In Northport, Alabama: See Video
Coyote Loose In Northport, Alabama: See Video
Coyote Loose In Northport, Alabama: See Video
We want to issue a few warnings because an animal that can do a lot of damage is on the loose in Northport. We received this video earlier this afternoon and wanted to pass it along as a public service for everyone in Northport. Although coyotes have been known to attack humans, here are a few simple ways to avoid any problem.

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