It's been 24-hours since Scott filmed that video and twenty-four days since I decided to walk away from what was basically a life-time habit of closet smoking.

I can vividly remember my first cigarette. A friend and I were walking home from (wait for it...) Wednesday night church service at Coker Baptist. As soon as we'd rounded the corner and reached the railroad tracks, I fired up the Winston she'd 'borrowed' from her daddy. I don't remember loving smoking a whole bunch, but I'm assuming I continued coughing and sputtering every Wednesday night out of determination to be a rebel. Eventually, I became addicted.

Twice before I've tried to quit and managed to make it one month without smoking but something happens around the 30 day mark. I talk myself into thinking I've beaten the habit for good and talk myself into smoking one just to see 'how bad it tastes'. By the end the day, I'm flying down Highway 82 looking like my car's on fire from the smoke rolling out of the windows.

I can feel the same thing happening now with 6 more days to go. Since Saturday, I've had to battle cravings more times each day. It's as if my addiction is giving me one last chance to cave in but ultimately, I want freedom more.

I'm still waiting to feel like a non-smoker, but I haven't noticed any detectable changes yet. I'm still dragging, but I followed a friend's advice (thanks, Kaye!) and cut out caffeinated drinks after lunch. I've been dropping out of consciousness around 9:15 each night which NEVER happened.

Despite my impatience, there is one benefit that keeps me determined: Teia DeWoody's decision to join me and quit.  She's inspired her husband to quit as well.

What more motivation could I possibly need?

I'm closing in on the one month mark and reaching it smoke free will be a huge psychological boost for me.


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